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Simplifying your maintenance processes

With maintenance information available to you in real-time, you can achieve greater visibility into equipment throughout the operation, optimize the scheduling of maintenance activities, and simplify your maintenance processes. Based on TrakSYS, we provide access to critical manufacturing information that allow you to reduce overall cost of maintenance while ensuring maximum uptime of production.

gestão de manutenção

With TrakSYS, we provide the visualization of faults and breakdowns, their frequencies and the root causes, allowing better management of maintenance activities, periodicity, resources, spare parts and costs.

    • Real-time visibility into your maintenance schedules and activities
    • Convenient 24/7 access to maintenance instructions, SOPs, and service contracts
    • Simple user interfaces for scheduling and executing maintenance
    • Decrease your maintenance costs: problems can be resolved before they result in downtime or stoppages
    • Augment existing maintenance software functionality where operational gaps exist
    • Improve the overall efficiency and cost of your maintenance program

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