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Reach higher levels on your World Class Manufacturing journey

The WCM cost deployment requires the identification of all production losses and the prioritization of improvement actions based on the opportunities that have the greatest potential for cost reduction. The methodology requires a accurate processes data collection, which imposes a big challenge to the teams as:

  • Quantitative and qualitative losses data collection
  • Identification and separation of causal and resulting losses
  • Losses valorization
  • Matrices A, B and C construction – basis to define the attack methodology
  • Our WCM support solution enables automated processes data collection (from sensors, PLCs, others), causal and resulting losses identification, and through intelligent algorithms, automatic calculation of losses costs.

    wcm pareto perdas

    Losses costs

    Using automatic data collection of your processes, identify opportunities for improvement through loss analysis, based on its location, identification and cost (causal + result).

    Causal and Resultant Losses

    Our solution allows the monitoring of the causal and resulting losses, and with the use of intelligent algorithms, the identification of the total cost of losses, allowing the automatic generation of the matrix C.

    wcm perda causal resultante

    Ready to reach higher levels in WCM?

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