Batch Management Flexible, robust and integrated LEARN MORE

Enforce procedures, ensure regulatory compliance and improve quality

Based on the TrakSYS platform, we offer versatile recipe and batch management capabilities. Through integrated functionalities, we can enforce SOPs and tasks, manage recipes and versions, assign assets, control materials and labor. All transactions are complete electronically auditable, meeting the most stringent EBR requirements.

gestao batelada, EBR, receitas, S88

By integrating and managing ERP information, we have versatile functionalities to meet all the demands of batch management.

  • Defines necessary materials needed and coordinate with ERP
  • Enforces compliance with all regulatory requirements
  • Traces your materials to their lots and suppliers
  • Handles weight instructions for specific materials
  • Maintains your electronic records for all transactions
  • Tracks and traces material usage and consumption throughout the value stream

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