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Improve your operation in Real-Time

Based on the TrakSYS platform, our real-time performance management solution provides insights that will make you understand what is limiting the performance of your operations and use appropriate tools to support improvement projects, as well take effective actions timely.

gestão desempenho, OEE, eficiência manufatura

A complete solution that will allow you to improve your planning, scheduling, productivity and profitability.

  • Manage your schedule compliance
  • Identify root cause of poor performance
  • Manage various KPIs such as: OEE, Takt, MTBF, MTTR, among others
  • Be notified in real time and act on problems and deviations
  • Use an integrated set of tools as tasks, alerts, journal and visual management
  • See the performance of your operations with full mobility support

Ready to start?

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and we will get back to you soon.

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    jQuery("textarea[name='your-message']").attr("placeholder", "Mensagem*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-subject']").attr("placeholder", "Assunto*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-subject']").val("Solução Gestão de Desempenho");
    jQuery("input[name='your-name']").attr("placeholder", "Full Name*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-email']").attr("placeholder", "E-mail*");
    jQuery("textarea[name='your-message']").attr("placeholder", "Menssage*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-subject']").attr("placeholder", "Subject*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-subject']").val("Performance Management Solution");
    jQuery("input[name='your-name']").attr("placeholder", "Nombre Completo*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-email']").attr("placeholder", "E-mail*");
    jQuery("textarea[name='your-message']").attr("placeholder", "Mensaje*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-subject']").attr("placeholder", "Asunto*");
    jQuery("input[name='your-subject']").val("Solución Gestión de Rendimiento");

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