Digital transformation is about creating an ecosystem of technologies that work together. Every part of Industry 4.0 technology is powered by the business systems in use in organizations.

MES/MOM solutions are critical for key systems such as ERP, PLM and the manufacturing processes themselves (and their automation devices) to connect to manufacturing operations in real time, creating a digital approach to the entire manufacturing operation. manufacturing. The strong integration of these critical systems improves the time to introduce new products and meet the variations in demand and customizations required by consumers.

MES / MOM solutions for all sizes of organizations

We are specialists in MES / MOM solutions, and as experts we know that all organizations, regardless of their size, face challenges that can be overcome with the correct digitization process. Do you face any of these challenges?

  • Pressure to reduce manufacturing costs
  • Lack of skilled labor
  • Need for more flexibility in production
  • Regulatory compliance issues
  • Production delivery delays
  • Capacity restrictions
  • Need to increase productivity

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